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Kanye West's most ardent supporter -- and most clueless -- former NFL wide receiver Antonio Brown.
According to reports, Brown -- who's no longer playing...
Universal Music's Def Jam has just sent this announcement. Their relationship with Kanye West is over.
It doesn't matter much. West's record sales and streaming...
keep refreshing...
Kanye West has been dropped by CAA, Creative Artists Agency, over his instigation of anti-Semitism beginning with his constant hate mongering comments.
CAA is...
Here's where Kanye West's associates stand on his stunning hate mongering.
Kim Kardashian, nominally his ex wife, and mother of his children, Tweeted this morning:...
Kanye West is having a bad week -- deservedly so.
After doubling down on hate talk, anti-Semitism, and making horrible remarks, several groups have disavowed...