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Now that Barbra Streisand has played Brooklyn's Barclays Center, can Neil Diamond be far behind? Our LEAH SYDNEY chatted with Neil and hobnobbed with...
Why is Meryl Streep our favorite person? On Friday she flew from Tulsa, Oklahoma--where she's shooting "August: Osage County" in 35 degree weather, to...
After this week's earlier memorial tribute to Marvin Hamlisch, it didn't seem like anything could top Barbra Streisand, Liza Minnelli and Aretha Franklin at...
Mariah Carey made a fashionably late appearance last night at director-actress-force of nature Penny Marshall's star studded book party. Mariah slipped into the Monkey...
Private memorials for both composer Marvin Hamlisch and lyricist Hal David have been set. Hamlisch's memorial is planned for September 18th at Lincoln Center....
Marvin Hamlisch's funeral at Temple Emanuel on Fifth Avenue was packed, and I mean jammed. Every seat was taken, people were standing. Candice Bergen....