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CBS has officially canceled "Medium," starring Patricia Arquette.
We told you this on October 28th. Or rather, Arquette herself told us she already knew about....
The sad story of Mamas and Papas songwriter/creator John Phillips never ends.
Phillips died a broken man, completely crippled by drugs. His eldest daugher, MacKenzie,...
Keith Richards' memoir isn't officially released until Tuesday. And still, it's the number 1 book in every category on
The book, called "Life," has...
We may have to re-title Keith Richards' autobiography, now called "Life."
It should be called "You'll Never Rock in this Town Again."
After reading the excerpts...
Oscar winner Helen Mirren posed semi-naked in a bathtub shot last week in New York Magazine. Immediately, there was a big brouahaha.
Last night, Helen--who...