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Quel surprise! Justin Timberlake has agreed to perform on the American Music Awards November 24th on ABC. This means, if tradition is observed, Timberlake...
ArtPOP is here. Or ARTPOP. However you capitalize it, can Lady Gaga capitalize on all the noise surrounding it? Yesterday she introduced the world's...
Eminem's new album, "Marshall Mathers LP2," went on sale yesterday. is projecting a debut week sale of 750,000 copies. That's about 2 or...
Rapper/singer/dancer Chris Brown is a sad, pathetic soul at this point. Four years after beating up Rihanna before the Grammy Awards, Brown remains unrepentant,...
Billboard just released its mid year numbers on music sales. Things aren't so great unless you're Justin Timberlake. Basically, everything is down, down down....