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The Sundance Film Festival has announced 13 premieres for this year's festival, which begins January 19, 2012. Big stars like Bruce Willis, Susan Sarandon,...
Russell Simmons, music entrepreneur, philanthropist, and social activist, puts his money where his mouth is. He's offered to clean up Zuccotti Park himself rather...
The Toronto Film Festival just announced more galas and premieres to add to the already existing, exhausting line up. Jennifer Hudson and Terrence Howard...
BAFTA, the British Academy Awards, have announced their nominees for their annual awards. "The King's Speech" got 14 nominations--staggering.
Here's the list. Some films that...
Mariah Carey launched many new things last night at the Allen Room at Jazz Lincoln Center: her new album, which features-surprise--her mom, Patricia as...
I always liked Reba McEntire , but get this: on Saturday night in Phoenix, at the Muhammad Ali Celebrity Fight Night concert and dinner, three bidders spent a total of $900,000 to have dinner with her. The winners were Bill Austin , of the Starkey Hearing Foundation; Bob Parsons , of GoDaddy; and self made philanthropist Walter Scott , one of Warren Buffet’s childhood buddies. Each spent $300,000 to have a meal with Reba, and presumably, her husband and manager Narvell Blackstock.