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First it was pets being eaten by Haitians.
Then it was Laura Loomer, crazy right winger, and a possible affair.
Now, it's Taylor Swift.
In his daily...
JD Vance and other Republicans thought Taylor Swift would suffer some kind of popularity loss after she endorsed Kamala Harris.
Yes, she's really taken it...
Pop superstar Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris for President.
Four years ago, Swift endorsed Joe Biden.
Swift's statement is below.
Her millions and millions of...
Taylor Swift fans have begun organizing for Kamala Harris.
They've set Tuesday night at 7pm Eastern for an internet gathering of Swifties. They've already amassed...
The predictions are in for Friday's pop chart.
Taylor Swift's "Tortured Poets" have tortured Kanye West.
The right wing, antisemitic rapper's new album, "Vultures 2" will...
UPDATED Kanye West will probably not like this news.
His "Vultures 2" album came in at 82,845 albums.
That's around 60,000 fewer than Taylor Swift's...
After three long months, Taylor Swift has been vanquished.
Eminem came along with "The Death of Slim Shady" and knocked "Tortured Poets to number 4.
Taylor Swift's "Tortured Poets" is number 1 today for the 10th week in a row.
"Poets" has sold around 4.5 million copies including streaming. Without...