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"Baywatch" star Pamela Anderson is releasing a memoir soon. It's called "Love, Pamela." This has prompted a cover story in Variety.
The most interesting take...
Broadway needs to fill seats, but this is ridiculous.
The long running musical, "Chicago," has always relied on stunt casting for its various roles. Sometimes...
And they said it wouldn't last!
Model, celebrity, PETA spokesperson, Julian Assange groupie Pamela Anderson and movie producer/former hairdresser Jon Peters have called off...
Pamela Anderson, the Donald Trump of diplomacy, is furious that Ecuador-- which she spells Equador--has kicked Julian Assange out of their London embassy. He's...
A couple of years ago I wrote about "Baywatch" star Pamela Anderson's charitable foundation, which was dubious at best.
Now, because she issued her Julian...
"Baywatch" star, anti fur activist, and Hollywood faux intellectual Pamela Anderson is mad at Oscar winning filmmaker Laura Poitras. Poitras has just released her...
Pamela Anderson is a hottie, a vegetarian, a "Baywatch" alumnus and a fan of Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning.
Manning is currently serving 35 years in...