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Woody Allen's "Rifkin's Festival" opens the San Sebastian Film Festival in Spain on Friday night. Woody won't be there because of the pandemic travel...
Woody Allen’s long-delayed “A Rainy Day in New York” will hit select U.S. theaters next month, MPI Media Group and Signature Entertainment announced Thursday.
Woody Allen's "Rifkin's Festival" is opening the San Sebastian Film Festival. Without Woody. (I don't know whether it;s also Without Feathers.)
The comedy starring Gina...
Good news!
Woody Allen's excellent comedy, "A Rainy Day in New York," is finally going to be released in the United Kingdom and Australia.
Signature Releasing...
Elaine's and Woody Allen resonate in film history. The great clubhouse restaurant started by Elaine Kaufman in 1963 lasted just past her December 2010...
In his memoir, "Apropos of Nothing," Woody Allen recalls having some of his films distributed by Harvey Weinstein. Indeed, three of Woody's biggest box...
Woody Allen's publisher, Hachette, turned out to be cowards. They've dropped his autobiography, "Apropos of Nothing," after protests from within the company and pressure...