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Adele proved everyone wrong. And made everyone happy.
Remember when Adele announced her weekends in Vegas? Thirteen weeks, twenty six shows. And then she canceled...
Curious announcement from Apollo Management.
They're supplying Sony Music with $700 million.
“We are pleased to provide a bespoke capital solution to an affiliate of...
Barbra Streisand just released a new a beautiful new single called “Love Will Survive,” for the closing credits of the upcoming series...
Adele says she's postponing all her March shows in Las Vegas.
The reason? Throat problems. You can read her statement below.
She has been performing constantly,...
Adele is addicted to performing live.
Remember when she canceled 13 weekends in Vegas because she had stage fright?
Since then she's taken over Sin City...
I'm getting a chuckle out of these stories marked "No One Wants to Play at King Charles's Coronation."
Really? They've got Lionel Richie, Take That,...