Sunday, September 8, 2024

as the world turns

Four Days Left for “World Turns”

"As the World Turns," a 54 year old institution on CBS, ends its run on Friday. So far CBS has inflamed fans of the...

As the World Turns Says Goodbye to Nancy Hughes

At the end of Monday's episode of "As the World Turns," the great actor Don Hastings had to do the unthinkable: announce the death...

Daytime Emmys: “World Turns” Gets Last Laugh on CBS

CBS may have cancelled the 54 year old soap, "As the World Turns," but the show got the last laugh at the network's expense...

Hollywood Swinging: X Men, Paltrow’s Secret, Liza and Bruce

I told you some time ago -- exclusively--that Michael Fassbender, hot as a pistol, had to choose between roles in the new "X Men"...

Helen Wagner, “World Turns” Matriarch, Was 91

Helen Wagner passed away on Saturday at age 91. As Nancy Hughes, she uttered the first words on "As the World Turns" in April...

CBS Will Replace “As the World Turns” With a Real Soap Opera

There's much to say about CBS and Procter & Gamble canceling "As the World Turns." It's a slap at fans who've followed the show...

Kristen Stewart’s Next Bite with Julianne Moore

“Twilight” star Kristen Stewart–so good as Joan Jett in “The Runaways” and in “Welcome to the Rileys”– has her next project lined up. Stewart will...

Procter & Gamble Fulfills Its Destiny, Kills ‘World Turns’

Procter & Gamble completed its corporate objective today. They got out of the soap opera business by killing off their remaining show, “As the...