Wednesday, October 23, 2024

nick cannon

Exclusive: Mariah Carey Tells Back Story of How She Revealed Twins to Obama

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are having twins. Congrats! They broke the news last week to President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle. Here's the...

Mariah Tells Us: “I Really Will Be Happy Either Way”–Boy or Girl

All these stories about Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon having a boy--they are concocted. Mariah sent me an email last night that I will share...

Mariah Doesn’t Know Sex of Baby; Announcement Tomorrow, But Not From Her

Re Mariah Carey's pregnancy: Listen to me, kids. Everyone has everything wrong. Mariah does not know the sex of the baby. Yes, it's a boy...

Mariah Carey, Glowing, Launches New Xmas Album with Mom as Special Guest

Mariah Carey launched many new things last night at the Allen Room at Jazz Lincoln Center: her new album, which features-surprise--her mom, Patricia as...