Woodstock 50 doesn’t seem like it’s happening.
The promoters say the sale of tickets are on hold, and indeed they are, on the website.
The hold up is money, and if there isn’t enough, and logistics don’t pan out, this won’t happen. It’s not like 1969, either, when people were innocent and naive, everyone was on drugs, and everything was cool until it wasn’t. Oh, no. All the permits and accommodations have to be perfectly in order before anything starts this time.
Performers scheduled to appear include Miley Cyrus, Jay Z, Imagine Dragons, and a mish mash of artists from now and who were at the original festival, and some who didn’t make it.
It’s ironic– Woodstock anniversaries are not really meant to be. I remember back in 1994, for the 35th anniversary, legendary Beatles promoter Sid Bernstein told me over lunch how he was to get that one going. There were competing anniversary festivals planned. None of it worked out successfully.