EXCLUSIVE Taylor Swift‘s letter to Apple worked. Eddy Cue has just Tweeted that Apple will pay artists during the 3 month Apple Music trial period. This is HUGE. Good work Taylor. Apple Music was telling all artists they would not be paid for streaming during the 3 months when new Apple Music subscribers get a free trial. Artists and labels were outraged. (I hear that this wasn’t going over with Apple’s biggest music partners, the Beatles and U2, by the way.) Now in just the last few minutes, Apple’s Eddy Cue has Tweeted back the news:
#AppleMusic will pay artist for streaming, even during customer’s free trial period
— Eddy Cue (@cue) June 22, 2015
We hear you @taylorswift13 and indie artists. Love, Apple
— Eddy Cue (@cue) June 22, 2015
Apple will always make sure that artist are paid #iTunes #AppleMusic
— Eddy Cue (@cue) June 22, 2015