Wednesday, January 15, 2025

oliver stone

Wall Street 2 Review from Cannes

Oliver Stone's "Wall Street" sequel, subtitled "Money Never Sleeps," is a hit. It's a formula Hollywood movie in the great sense. For the first...

Oliver’s Army Is Ready for Cannes

News from the IFP dinner for a mere one hundred or so filmmakers last night at Diane von Furstenberg's design studio: Oliver Stone is getting...

Oliver Stone Sets South American Dictators (Er, Presidents) Film Tour

Oliver Stone is a busy man. On Friday, May 14th, he'll debut "Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps" at the Cannes Film Festival. But he...

‘Wall Street 2′: Could Be Cannes Closing Night

20th Century Fox has suddenly sent Oliver Stone’s “Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps” to a Sept. 24 opening instead of its planned April...

Oliver Stone Gets An Education from Carey Mulligan

Oliver Stone has started shooting “Wall Street 2″ with Carey Mulligan. Sort of. There are rumors that the film hasn’t had a smooth take...