As you know, Donald Trump says Mel Gibson must be addressed as “ambassador” now.
Well, Ambassador Gibson’s new movie, called “Flight Risk,” is a dud. Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 26% rotten splat.
Last night in previews, “Flight Risk” made just $950,000. It couldn’t even crack $1 million.
Gibson wrote, directed, and stars in this piece of junk which also stars Mark Wahlberg.
Critics who’ve seen “Flight Risk” have been unsparing in their dismissal of it.
Variety says: “If one is compelled to inextricably correlate the art and the artist, there are any number of reasons for viewers to avoid new work from Mel Gibson. But the strongest in this particular case is that it’s artistically bereft — devoid of suspense, style or even a rudimentary mastery of technique.”
Reviewer Todd Gilchrist adds: “What [Gibson] delivers is a crude, unimaginative, suspenseless adventure whose tension mostly derives from deciding which of its three main characters will prove the most unlikable by the time it ends.”
I’m sorry to learn that two very good actors — Michelle Dockery and Topher Grace — find themselves mired in this misery. There must be better projects for them.
Lionsgate is dumping this morass into 3,000 theaters this weekend. We’ll be seeing it on airplanes by the end of February — and ignoring it.