Yesterday, Robert Kennedy Jr’s siblings denounced his endorsement of Donald Trump including Kerry, Rory, Chris, and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend.
Today, brother Max Kennedy writes in the LA Times: “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be motivated to write something of this nature. With a heavy heart, I am today asking my fellow Americans to do what will honor our father the most: Ignore Bobby and support Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democratic platform. It’s what is best for our country.”
I noticed yesterday a lot of people asked why the Kennedys are so outraged that they would publicly do this to their sibling. The answer is simple: their father, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, gave his life for this country. He was assassinated for speaking the truth about civil rights and the Vietnam War, among other issues. He stood for justice, as did his brother, President John F. Kennedy.
Was all it for nothing? If Donald Trump were elected, the United States as we know it would cease to function. He would finish the job he started in his unlawful and disgraceful first term. All civil rights would be abrogated. We’d be living in chaos, the chaos he insists is already going on. But it’s not. Joe Biden rescued us from the hell of Trump.
How galing it must be for the Kennedys to see what Junior has done. They are a family of Irish immigrants. Max writes:
“Donald Trump is a lifelong racist whose entire career has been shaped by his dislike of people with a different skin color.
“My father believed in expanding legal immigration because he came from an immigrant family and knew how much talent and drive hard-working families bring if we open our doors to them.
“Donald Trump stirs up hatred of immigrants, whom he mischaracterizes as criminals and drug addicts.”
You can read Max’s essay here.