Monday, February 17, 2025

stanley tucci

NY Times Photographer Exits Own Screening; James Franco Keeps It Interesting

Bill Cunningham is a slight, retiring soul who travels around Manhattan on a bike taking pictures for the New York Times. No...

Supporting Stars: Julianne, Matt, Stanley and Patty

Three big movies are opening this weekend: “Invictus,” “A Single Man,” and “The Lovely Bones.” The first two are excellent and not to be...

“Lovely Bones” Break In A Million Pieces

Peter Jackson’s adaptation of “The Lovely Bones” is the kind of stunning failure we don’t often get to see. Last night Jackson brought the film...

Gay Talese Takes The Subway!

One of New York’s favorite characters, the famed, legendary, award-winning writer Gay Talese, took the subway yesterday. Round trip, from the Upper East Side...