Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Oscar Cast Needs Avatar, Nine, Sandra Bullock

A lot of Academy voters are probably going through their holiday mail today — and guess what — the Oscar ballot is here. Some nominees...

“Avatar” Snubbed by AFI, Los Angeles and Boston Film Critics

James Cameron’s “Avatar” is going to make a lot of money when it opens on Friday. (So will the makers of those 3D glasses,...

Movie Award First? Ex-spouses Bigelow and Cameron in Race

Looking for an Oscar first? Here’s one: Kathryn Bigelow, director of the much-praised and serious “The Hurt Locker,” could be in the running for...

“Avatar”: No “Titanic,” But A Ground-Breaking Hit

“Avatar,” James Cameron’s $250 million-plus epic, caused chaos last night in the film world. It premiered in London and was shown to some press...