Friday, July 26, 2024


Rupert Murdoch Upstages “Succession”: At 92 Getting Married for Fifth Time, to 66 Year Old Widow of Media Mini-Mogul Country Singer

The great Cindy Adams reports this morning that Rupert Murdoch is getting married again. The 92 year old coot media mogul, head of a company...

Exclusive: Wedding Bells Ring for Media Mogul David Geffen And Much Younger Boyfriend

Exclusive: Sources tell me David Geffen got married over the weekend. The 80 year old billionaire wed his 30 year old boyfriend Donovan Michaels in...

Vanity Fair Gives it Away: In UK Nearly Half Their Monthly Circulation is from Freebies

Vanity Fair is busy erecting their huge temporary buildings in Beverly Hills for their Oscar party tonight. But the magazine that used to have clout...

Rupert Murdoch Throws Fox News Anchors Bartiromo, Hannity Under the Bus, Concedes They All Lied to Viewers About Stolen Election

By now you've heard that Rupert Murdoch's deposition in the Dominion Voting Machine lawsuit has become public. There's a lot to say here: Murdoch...

Actor John Cusack Can’t Just “Say Anything” on Twitter: Account Disappears, “No Warning Notice, No reason given”

John Cusack's Twitter account has gone missing. The star of Cameron Crowe's 1989 hit, "Say Anything," has learned you can't just do that on...

Are There No More Movie Stars? Vanity Fair Annual Hollywood Issue Focuses on TV Actors and Unknowns

Vanity Fair has issued its Emmy issue at the time of the Oscars. Either they couldn't get big movie stars to pose for them,...

Current GMA Sex Scandal Doesn’t Compare to the One from 1997 Involving ABC News Chief and PR VP

I read the story in The Cut (New York Magazine) about how everyone's having sex at ABC. This comes from the scandal surrounding TJ...

Madonna Snubbed as She Gets Vanity Fair’s Icons Cover, But Only in Europe, Not in US

Madonna got the cover of Vanity Fair this month, but only in Spain, France, and Italy. Vanity Fair's PR team chugged out a blitz...