The good news for “Bridgerton” fans: the show has been renewed for Seasons 3 and 4 by Netflix.
The bad news: Seasons 2, 3, and 4 will be without one of the actors all the fans swooned over. RegĂ©-Jean Page is out. He already said he wasn’t returning for Season 2, and presumably that means for Seasons 3 and 4.
Life will go on. The focus of the show will change because it’s based on books that don’t include his character. But if the ratings are bad in Season 2, or Page doesn’t turn out to be a movie star, you never know, we may see Simon Basset sneak back into town.
The real trick for “Bridgerton” will be the casting as the stories change and characters come and go, just like in a soap opera. Which it is. There are nine “books” in the “Bridgerton” series by Julia Quinn, and it seems like four more in a sequel series, so this could drag on for some time with or without Page. Then, of course, there will undoubtedly be the movie,or two, and a Broadway musical.