Harvey Weinstein may be gone from the movie biz. But his Oscar legacy lives on.
Lisa Taback, Oscar specialist, has decided to take her whole staff and move over to Netflix. Lisa was Harvey’s main Oscar guide for years, but cut loose from him a couple of years ago– well before his scandals emerged last October. Her shop is one of the top places studios go to to get extra Oscar vavoom. But Netflix is where the money is (ask Bruce Springsteen).
But Taback’s skills may be more for TV and the Emmys now as Netflix scored a record 112 nominations this year. Taback’s group is certainly going to be looking to reap big rewards in that department.
And Taback isn’t the only Weinstein alum out there who helped garner those huge numbers of wins and nominations at TWC and Miramax. Dani Weinstein and Brad Thompson moved last year to Focus Features, where they’re working that old magic this season on films like “Boy Erased.” At 20th Century Fox, former Miramax star Heather Phillips runs the show. There are plenty more former Harvey publicists out there, too, who know the ropes, Cynthia Swartz of Strategy PR with Michael Kupferberg. They’re all stars to us who type away!