It’s been as rough a week on cable news as it has been on the stock exchange.
Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity have so far split the week. The MSNBC anchor won Monday night and last night. Hannity took Tuesday and Wednesday.
Really, their numbers every night are pretty close in total viewers. What isn’t close is the number of viewers in the 18-49 key demo. Maddow wins that hands down, usually with a .36 average. Hannity is well below that.
Hannity’s viewers are older by far, less likely to buy anything from an other than a sleep aid or a Magic Pillow.
Tonight’s numbers will decide the week. But in all likelihood, Maddow will address the real issues of the day while Hannity carps about Hillary Clinton’s emails or something with Monica Lewinsky. The older viewers like him because Hannity presents Nostalgia News.