Is the new “Ghostbusters” a terrible movie that no one should see? The fanboys would like you to believe it– they’ve been denouncing Paul Feig’s movie almost since before it was made.
But guess what? The new “Ghostbusters” has a robust 78 on Rotten Tomatoes. It has 50 positive reviews and 14 negative ones.
On Saturday night, Sony-Columbia hosted a red carpet premiere on Hollywood Boulevard at what used to be Grauman’s Chinese Theater. They gave the film its first real show of support after negative stories ran about the movie’s merchandise being sold at clearance prices by Target.
Fact is, “Ghostbusters” is a funny summer hit. I don’t know why Sony didn’t do more for it in New York– given that the movie takes place in Times Square and most of the cast lives here. Very weird.
But “Ghostbusters” may surprise everyone come Friday. It’s not like a single publicist has spoken to me about it, but I’ll tell you go see it and make up your mind. There are plenty of good laughs. And the cameos are all worth it– right til the end of the movie (don’t leave or you’ll miss Sigourney Weaver).
This movie is a nice vindication for producer Amy Pascal, too. She was ousted from Sony last year after the hacking scandal, but it’s her name on the screen in giant letters. She knows how to make movies, ya know. She just isn’t good with email. (This is true of so many powerful women lately!)