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Good news!
Billionaire hotel heir Dan Pritzker is finally releasing his jazz movie, "Bolden."
He started shooting it in 2008. Pritzker filmed a whole version starring...
Director Kathryn Bigelow and writer Mark Boal -- Oscar winners for "The Hurt Locker" -- collaborated to give us a vision of “enhanced interrogation”...
"Hurt Locker" Oscar winners Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal have re-teamed for "Detroit," an incendiary chronicle of life in America's most dangerous city. John...
The Make-A-Wish Foundation gives dying kids all kinds of wonderful opportunities, from trips around the world to meetings with celebrities, adventures in unusual places.
Basically, Vanity Fair's annual Oscar party was rocking when I arrived at 11:30pm from the Oscar show and Elton John's amazing $6.2 million fundraiser....
Alicia Vikander is this year's actress launched into stardom -- think Chastain, Lawrence, Blanchett, etc. She's got two BAFTA nominations this morning, for "Ex...