Saturday, June 15, 2024

“SNL” Ends Season Down in Ratings with Jake Gyllenhaal, Sabrina Carpenter as 50th Anniversary Looms


This past Saturday’s “SNL” brought in 4.21 million total viewers, a little down from the 4.24 of the previous week.

Both shows were down 500,000 viewers from the previous two weeks. Jake Gyllenhaal was the final host, preceded by Maya Rudolph. Dua Lipa, Ryan Gosling, and Kristen Wiig preceded those episodes. The one before Wiig as Ramy Youssef – a total disaster with 3.9 million.

Does it matter? No. “SNL” is heading to its 50th anniversary this fall. There’ll be intense publicity leading up to the February 2025 celebration. There will also be be a lot of talk about whether or not Lorne Michaels will retire (no, I don’t think so). Will the whole cast be back in the fall? Probably. This whole gang really stepped up this year. Sarah Sherman and Marcello Hernandez are total breakout stars.

Why did Gyllenhaal not do better? If he’d been on when “Roadhouse” was out, that might have been more successful. He’d already peaked this year. Plus, why were there no send ups of his movies?

Jake did have some very good sketches, however. My favorite was the penultimate, which should have been in the first half hour. He played the chief of the NYPD at a press conference pleading with muggers to stop attacking character actors. Brilliant!

Roger Friedman
Roger Friedman
Roger Friedman began his Showbiz411 column in April 2009 after 10 years with Fox News, where he created the Fox411 column. His movie reviews are carried by Rotten Tomatoes, and he is a member of both the movie and TV branches of the Critics Choice Awards. His articles have appeared in dozens of publications over the years including New York Magazine, where he wrote the Intelligencer column in the mid 90s and covered the OJ Simpson trial, and Fox News (when it wasn't so crazy) where he covered Michael Jackson. He is also the writer and co-producer of "Only the Strong Survive," a selection of the Cannes, Sundance, and Telluride Film festivals, directed by DA Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus.

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