Pity the fool who bought stock in Donald Trump’s Trump Media on day one.
Or day two.
Today the stock closed at $32.41. It opened at $78 three weeks ago, then fell to $57. It’s been falling ever since.
Trump himself owns the largest block of Trump Media, which means his personal value has dropped wildly.
Yet, his base thinks he’s a brilliant businessman.
As of April 11, 2024, Bloomberg News no longer lists Trump as one of the top 500 billionaires in the US.
To make the list, you have to have $5.77 billion. Trump doesn’t qualify. He’s chump change compared to Bernard Arnault, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos. They’re all worth between $150b and $200billion.
As for Trump Media, the bottom keeps on falling out. When it goes below $30, then some real turmoil should begin among whoever has those other shares.
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