Gywneth Paltrow might as well give her Oscar back to the Academy..
She won Best Actress in 1999 for “Shakespeare in Love.” She was never nominated again (not before). She frittered away her acting career and instead made a mint by selling overpriced crap under the name Goop.
Now she’s made a video for the 15th anniversary of Goop. In it the cameraman following her around discovers that she uses her Oscar to prop open a door in her garden.
Look, just give it back already. A lot of people worked hard to get Paltrow that Oscar. Cate Blanchett was much stronger in “Elizabeth” and probably should have won. But Paltrow was pushed by Miramax, and “SiL” was a phenomenon at the time, a refreshing take on an old subject.
Paltrow’s low regard for the movie, for the Oscars, and her acting career has already been emphasized by her. Maybe she had problems with Harvey Weinstein. Who cares? John Madden, a gifted director, made the movie. Really talented actors were part of the ensemble. Artisans created the unique look. None of them would have treated their Oscar so shabbily. Give it to Madden if you can’t show a little respect.