Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Paul McCartney to Be the Wizard of Oz: 6 Show Australia Tour Announced by 81 Years Young Beatle


Paul McCartney hasn’t just been relaxing all summer in the Hamptons, taking in “Oppenheier” with Steven Spielberg.

He’s also been planning a big tour of Austtalia and New Zealand and who knows where else:

At 81, Paul is bouncing around like a teenager. He’s got plenty of songs to sing, and millions of fans who want to see him.

McCartney’s US tour last year was a blast. And after seeing Bruce Springsteen several times lately on his tour, Paul accepts the challenge!

PS Paul also has an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in London called “Paul McCartney Photographs 1963-64: Eyes of the Storm” Exhibition which closes October 1st. More than 250 photos from Paul’s personal archive. A fascinating look at an international cultural phenomenon, definitely a must if you’re in London!

Details coming…

Roger Friedman
Roger Friedman
Roger Friedman began his Showbiz411 column in April 2009 after 10 years with Fox News, where he created the Fox411 column. His movie reviews are carried by Rotten Tomatoes, and he is a member of both the movie and TV branches of the Critics Choice Awards. His articles have appeared in dozens of publications over the years including New York Magazine, where he wrote the Intelligencer column in the mid 90s and covered the OJ Simpson trial, and Fox News (when it wasn't so crazy) where he covered Michael Jackson. He is also the writer and co-producer of "Only the Strong Survive," a selection of the Cannes, Sundance, and Telluride Film festivals, directed by DA Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus.

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