Her name is Ilaria Catalina Irena and she is the 7th child born to Alec (formerly Alexander) and Hilary (now known as Hilaria) Baldwin.
Neither Baldwin nor Thomas is of Spanish descent. It’s unclear if they can even make a proper paella. But all seven of their children have Spanish names. The other names are Carmen, Leonardo, Romeo, Rafael, Eduardo, and Lucia.
Baldwin’s first child is daughter Ireland, from his marriage to Kim Basinger. At least Baldwin is Irish, so that one makes sense. His next child may be named Gazpacho. Or Shlomo.
Hilaria Baldwin has been criticized in the media for faking an accent and a Spanish background. Hilary was born in Boston to parents David Thomas Jr. and his wife Katherine Hayward, neither of whom have any training playing castanets. But they did travel to Spain, and like Munchhausen Syndrome mimics other illnesses, they all became infected with Los Gringolitis.
So welcome, Ilaria Catalina Ilena. Soon other kids will asking the Baldwin bunch about their names. Wait til they’re old enough to do 23 and Me. They have a big surprise coming!