James Franco is a sociopath. That’s the main takeaway from the interviews Jess Cagle has posted with Franco from Sirius XM and ET Canada. I’ve put most of them here. But the main one is the one below in which Franco admits to sleeping with students in the acting classes he taught.
For most of these interviews, Franco basically gives monologue type speeches. He admits to being a sex and drug addict, and just talks and talks and talks. He has no awareness of his own mania, or if he does he kind of delights in it.
I can’t listen to all of this. It’s too much, and his voice is like a drill. Suffice to say, if he thinks this will solve the problems of his recently settled $2 million lawsuit with victims of sexual harassment or the lingering bad feeling among actors and students he worked with, he’s wrong.
I was friendly with Franco during his rise from minor Spider Man actor to multi hyphenate actor-director-producer-writer, grad student in four schools including Yale, self-published author.novelist, short story writer, and Oscar host. I watched as he flew higher and higher toward th sun at breakneck speed and then completely and fatally collapsed. It wasn’t pretty.
Please remember when you watch these videos that Franco is a very good actor. He has the gift of gab and he can be very convincing. He’s a persuasive con man. But I found all these interviews– Cagle did a great job– sad and pathetic and disturbing. I’m not sympathetic. I doubt anyone will be.
Start here: