Classy, classy, classy Glenn Close is a WINNER. She’s won 8 Oscar nominations. And she tells the AP, “I don’t think I’m a loser.”
Far from it.
Glenn will get her Oscar and maybe more than one. And it doesn’t matter. She’s got it right. I do think she’s got to make her “Sunset Boulevard” musical film. Singing “As If We Never Said Goodbye” will win her dozens of awards. On Broadway she got standing ovations every night in the middle of the show. (She also has THREE Tony Awards! That ain’t chopped liver!)
Long may she reign. Viva Glenn Close!
"First of all, I don't think I'm a loser." Glenn Close responds to headlines that focused on the actor's losses at the Academy Awards. Close has been nominated for eight Oscars.
Full story by @MusicMesfin:
— AP Entertainment (@APEntertainment) May 7, 2021