Britney Spears has chosen Tim Burton’s “Big Eyes” as her favorite movie. She’s posted a review to Instagram:
“I watched the movie Big Eyes the other day by of course my favorite director in the whole world @timburton !!! It’s about a fragile yet adorable eccentric woman who has problems with men yet she’s an extraordinary artist who paints children with big eyes 👀👀👀 !!!  She obviously paints them for the love of her daughter … the troubled man she is seeing loves the fame and handles it better so he takes all her glory and says it’s him doing all the work … in the end she gets fed up and reclaims her art proving it is her that is indeed the artist 🎨👩🎨⭐️ !!! She leaves him never to remarry and takes care of her daughter 💕👯♀️ !!!! It was very weird the same day I watched this movie I did a mini photoshoot and look how freaking big my eyes were 👁👁 !!! I mean … my eyes have never been that big !!! It’s actually kinda crazy and they aren’t retouched at all … coincidence maybe ???  If the power of what you see and hear can influence your life THAT much … I mean literally stay away from bad people and raise your awareness with high energy people ✨🌸🌟 !!! That’s what I learned from this … and watch Big Eyes while you’re at it !!!”