Bruce Willis barely had any dialogue in Night Shyamalan’s “Glass.” If you look at the movie, he’s hidden in robes or filmed from behind.
Soon he will appear in just the first few minutes of Edward Norton’s “Motherless Brooklyn” before his character is killed off. (No spoilers, it’s based on novel.)
Now comes the first of three B movies he’s made for VOD. This one is called “10 Minutes Gone.” In the new trailer, released today, Willis is second billed to Michael Chiklis, star of the 2000s TV hit “The Shield.” Chiklis is a nice guy, but his chief attribute here is that he’s bald, like Willis, and resembles Willis. From the trailer, it sure looks like Chiklis is the star of “10 Minutes Gone.” Indeed, all the scenes with Willis in the trailer look like he was only in one scene– and has little to say.
Over the last couple of years, Willis has sold almost all of his real estate. He and his second wife, Emma Willis, and two young daughters just packed up their Bedford Hills, NY home, which is on the market. They’ve moved back to Los Angeles.
Willis — mostly from “Die Hard — was once the top box office star. Beginning with the “Moonlighting” TV series in the late 80s, he’s been a celebrity fixture. He’s starred in dozens of films, some good, some bad, and lately odd. He’s got two more of these low budget films coming over the next year, “The Long Night” and “Trauma Center,” in which he will also be “featured”– sort of in the movie and not.
It was four years ago, in the fall of 2015, when Willis had trouble remembering his lines on Broadway in the stage version of “Misery.” At the time, he was supposed to film Woody Allen’s “Cafe Society,” but left after filming for a few days. (He was replaced by Steve Carell.) Willis said it was too taxing to do both projects simultaneously.
Willis has had such a great career, and so many millions of fans, this clip just seems like the beginning of an unworthy exit. He’s too nice, and has given us too much entertainment, for things to end this way: