“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” had a whopping opening on Friday, including Thursday previews of $45 million: total
But it’s not a record for the franchise. Two years ago, “The Force Awakens” had a two-day opening (Thursday previews, Friday opening) of $119,119,182.
Over the last 48 hours, fans learned the fate of Luke Skywalker, the central character for forty years. (I won’t say what it is, but he’ll only be back as a memory.)
The opening take was $104.8 million. That’s a difference of $14 million, which isn’t terrible but you would think “Jedi” would be a little higher given that this is IT in many ways, a sayonara to the old Star Wars. Maybe as word of mouth increases today more people will turn out. Still, $105 million is more than the rest of the whole box office all together. You can’t beat that.