Harry Styles seem to be 70s styles. Or some kind of take on Adele’s “Hello.” Anyway, it’s a five minute power ballad, very retro, right out of 1977. Will kids like it? Will radio play it in this ADD world? (Funny since record companies go for ‘adds’ as in plays on stations.) I guess the idea was to combine Journey and Queen and see what happens. The chorus is catchy. I’ll say that. I’m sure this will go straight to the top of iTunes this morning. And does it mean anything? Ha ha. No. It’s not exactly “Masters of War” or even “American Skin.” It’s the equivalent of Kendal Jenner’s Pepsi commercial– social theme LITE.
Just stop your crying
It’s a sign of the times
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here
Just stop your crying
It will be alright
They told me that the end is near
We gotta get away from here