The Cannes amFAR event is getting a lot of press– for its celebrities like Katy Perry (who performed and may have been paid) and Orlando Bloom, for Leonardo DiCaprio flying on private planes to accept an environmental award, for a socialite planting an unwanted kiss on Uma Thurman.
The event takes place at one of the most expensive resorts in the world– The Hotel duCap in Antibes. The amFAR staff swans around Cannes for two weeks in chauffeur driven cars. The events consultant lunches at the duCap like it’s his second home. The buffet costs around $100.
So what happens to all the money? According to amFAR’s federal tax filing for 2014, they lost over $11 million on their fundraising events. A big chunk of it was lost on the Cannes gala. They paid the duCap $1.3 million in rental fees. Another $1.2 million went to entertainment. Over $3.7 million was shelled out all together. There must a better use for that money– like money for AIDS drugs.
Plus, don’t forget there’s millions in staff salaries. CEO Kevin Frost gets over $550,000 just for starters.