Charlie Sheen just appeared on the Today show with his doctor. Hollywood is a small town. His HIV doctor is Rob Huizenga, the steroids specialist hired by Robert Shapiro to be O.J. Simpson’s doctor in 1994 after the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.
Huizenga was hired by Shapiro as Simpson returned from Chicago the day after the murders in Los Angeles. Simpson had long suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, and Huizenga was an expert on the subject of athletes and steroids. He’d written a book about helping members of the L.A. Raiders deal with the addiction.
Sheen on Today attributed his 2011 “winning” breakdown to “‘roids.” Interesting.
Huizenga never spoke about Simpson’s steroid issues when he was on the witness stand in 1994. Ten years later, in 2004, I asked him why. He said it was because none of the lawyers asked him the question. If they had, the Simpson trial might have been very different. He told me in 2004, “Some guilty people are set free.”