Record producer Peter Asher and his wife Wendy were close, close friends of Robin Williams. The two couples (Robin and second wife Marsha Garces) traveled together often. When the Beatles “LOVE” shoe opened in Las Vegas, they came together. Peter and I had just discussed Robin a couple of weeks ago, and expressed hope that Williams was doing better.
I asked Peter to write something about Robin. Here it is:
“Robin was one of the cleverest, funniest, most intellectually agile and well-read people it has ever been my privilege to call a dear friend. But beyond all of these qualities, he was the most generous man I have ever met. Materially, emotionally, professionally and personally he never hesitated to offer help of every kind to any friend in need. And he certainly knew how much we all loved him in return.
Yet somehow this knowledge was clearly not enough to deflect whatever misery and demons sometimes beset him. He was man of such scintillating intensity in everything he did or dreamed, in every success or failure and in every moment of every extraordinary performance. One can only suppose that such creative intensity and stunning imagination could be as painful as it could be cathartic; as miserable as it could be magical.
We are utterly horrified by what has happened and can only pray that we all learned from Robin what true kindness and sincere generosity can achieve – just as he did in a career that changed the world and in a brilliant body of work from a man of true genius who will never be forgotten.”