A little UPDATE here: Back on January 23rd, an email LaBeouf sent to an L.A. art was picked up by the Defamer website. This is what Shia wrote:
I am in need of a performance space in Los Angeles I’m looking to put on a show. Your gallery is perfect. My plan is to repent in the way of the Middle Ages. For 7 days.
I am promoting it at the Berlin film festival. By wearing a mask I’ve made for the show, To the red carpet of the NYMPHOMANIC premier. The date for this action is the 9th I’d like to start my show on the 10th. The show works in conjunction with an online action- @thecampaignbook
So this is something he’s been planning right along. Good for him. The bag can later be used for a sandwich or for breathing if he starts to hyper-ventilate.
EARLIER: According to a report in Variety, and from accounts I’m just getting, Shia LaBeouf wore a paper bag on his head to the premiere of “Nymphomaniac” at the Berlin Film Festival. He did also come in a tuxedo, so that’s something. Written on the paper bag: “I am not famous anymore.”
Look, he’s either having a nervous breakdown or pulling off a kind of James Franco-esque college thing because he’s reading a lot of material about modernism. For weeks, La Beouf has been posting “I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE” on Twitter, just that, once a day.
— Shia LaBeouf (@thecampaignbook) February 9, 2014
This is what happens when you do college at home, without professors or guidance, and in public. He’s a bright kid. We may have to suffer through this as his collective parents.
LaBeouf has put up a separate website on Meta Modernism from reading “Notes on MetaModernism” by Vermeulen & van den Akker. His Twitter feed is @thecampaignbook.
Can you imagine what pains in the neck Franny and Zooey would have been if they had the internet?