Well, all you One Direction fans. You did not get out there last night to help the Faux Fab Five beat Justin Bieber’s opening night for his documentary. “One Direction: This is Us” did $8.9 million last night, a far cry from Bieber’s $13.1 mil Friday night opening a couple of years ago for “I Don’t Wear Shirts,” er, “Never Say Never.”
So “The Best Song Ever” wasn’t enough to draw out the tweeny girls. I’m surprised. Anyway, four day weekend could give Sony a $30-$33 million take, which isn’t bad. In real movie news, Lee Daniels’ “The Butler” made $3.6 million on Friday night, will have a nice $15 million weekend as it speeds toward its inevitable $100 million domestic.
“Getaway,” the worst reviewed movie of the year so far, made $1.4 million last night. That’s pretty good all things considered.
More numbers to come…
Here’s the video for Best Song Ever. It’s pretty funny.