UPDATE The divorce finally turned up in the Post as a prepared statement in Page Six on Friday morning. Meanwhile, the Hollywood Reporter, based on nothing, surmised Wendi Deng had been having an affair with the very married former British PM Tony Blair and actually asked for a comment on this idea from Murdoch’s office. They said it wasn’t true. Cherie Blair must be alternately laughing and throwing things. Foxnews.com is running an Associated Press item on the divorce. God knows, none of those cowards wants their byline on such a story.
The news of the Rupert Murdoch divorce is being reported everywhere on the web, from the New York Times to Gawker and Reuters. But the places you won’t be able to read it: Murdoch owned Fox News and the New York Post. As of 5:15pm, the two News Corp outlets have ignored the story. The Wall Street Journal finally caved in around 3:10pm with a full story that reads like a press release by Martin Peers: http://online.wsj.com/articl/SB10001424127887323734304578543420787038716.html?KEYWORDS=wendi.
The Murdoch divorce is the source of much texting, emailing and phone calls this afternoon. Wendi Murdoch was seen at the Cannes Film Festival without Murdoch. Before that she was a guest at Vanity Fair’s Tribeca Film Festival party in April, and came solo. The last pictures of the couple together on WireImage and Getty Images are from the Oscar weekend in February.