An odd turn of events: playing in 300 fewer theaters, “Silver Linings Playbook” is now outdrawing “Zero Dark Thirty.” Friday’s box office shows “SLP” moving ahead of “ZD30” and maybe breaking into a winner’s run around the track. “SLP” just crossed the $60 million line, and looks like it will make it to $75 million without too much trouble.
TWC waited two months to open it wide, leaving it mostly in a few hundred theaters. I was constantly running into people who’d never heard of it. No more. If “SLP” wins Best Ensemble tomorrow night at the SAG Awards, then look out. Even if it loses, it’s still got a huge amount of good will. I feel like this movie has triumphed in spite of the odds. Alas, I did tell you about in September, from the Toronto Film Festival.
Elsewhere, “Hansel and Gretel: Vampire Hunters,” or whatever it’s called, is number 1 and the week’s throwaway junk food movie. All the Oscar nominees are doing well–“Lincoln,” “Les Miz,” “ZD30,” “SLP”- which should mean that the February 24th Academy Awards show will be a big ratings getter. People care about these movies more than they have in years.