You can see Donald Trump’s latest, crazy video in our player on the home page. Not really–something better.
Trump issued his own video on You Tube. Moments later his third wife, Melania, arrived for lunch at Michael’s with a woman who has something to do with fashion at Lincoln Center. The ladies looked at the video quietly but didn’t laugh. Tina Brown sat on one side of them, having lunch with an unidentified gentleman. Jonathan Wald, who produces Piers Morgan’s show on CNN, dined with Star Jones on the other side. Wald told me that Trump is on Piers tonight. Now, that should be good.
Donald comes across like the Green Goblin or the Joker threatening to kill everyone in Gotham City unless he gets what he wants. What does he want? He already pushed son-in-law Jared Kushner to endorse Mitt Romney in the New York Observer– an absolute joke for that paper. But this latest episode takes the cake, as they say. He didn’t even produce the divorce documents! WTH? Instead it’s just more birther stuff. I’d like to see Donald Trump’s college applications and transcripts at this point.
You do wonder: did Melania pick Michael’s on purpose? It’s where everyone goes when something is happening. And boy was it happening today.
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