Rosie O’Donnell has written a beautiful tribute to Nora Ephron on her site, Nora put Rosie in “Sleepless in Seattle” as Meg Ryan’s pal. They remained good friends, and when Ephron opened “Love, Loss, and What I Wore” off Broadway to acclaim, Rosie was in the original cast. In fact, she wrote her own monologue that Ephron incorporated into the play. PS It seems like Rosie is getting married imminently from postings on the site. Congrats, Rosie!
like a cyst that won’t pop
til u slice the top
i squeezed for weeks
nothing came
and now
hearing about nora
it burst
flowing over my everything
sadness i hold at bay
fears i pretend r not
love that runs deep
piercing me
my eyes r dead
i can see it in the way others see me
concern worry
i look sad – tired
depression is knocking
familiar thuds
thunder through
storm front warnings
we met in the Apthorp
the Dakota’s sister building
classic new york
just like Nora
the front room was all bookshelves
i waited on an antique bench
taking in which books
she felt worthy of keeping at hand
as i had
each one of hers
i was 21 when i read heartburn
and fell in love with her
she called me in the kitchen
black and white tiny checked floor tiles
she sat – folded her hands and smiled at me
we talked
it was 1992 – i was 30
League had been shot but not released
i was mostly a stand up comic
former VJ
i read the script
she laughed
she went into her office and handed me a new scene
she and delia had just finished writing
i did that one
she laughed again
sat back
folded her hands and smiled at me
out on the street i called my agent
i got the job – i said
no he said that was only a first audition
no – i said – i got the job
i did – and so much more
she took me inside her life
taught me so much
welcomed me
she knew about love
nora did
last night
back in her apartment
full of broken hearts
we remembered her
her brains
her beauty
her brilliance
her bravery
it feels impossible
that she is not around
and what now
we will gather on the 9th
and celebrate all
nora is