“Men in Black 3” took a drubbing Friday night. “Snow White and the Huntsman” finished first with $20.3 mil. Charlize Theron and crew sent Will Smith and their gang back to number 2, a real fall, with just $8.1 million. “MIB3” is fading. So weird. Anyway, “Snow” is on her way to a $55 mil weekend not counting its foreign sales. “The Avengers” became the 3rd biggest movie in history last night with almost $600 mil domestic take. Both “Battleship” and “Dark Shadows” are fading. But doing well are “The Dictator,” and “The Best Exotice Marigold Hotel.” It looks like the documentary “Bully” is done, but it took a very respectable $3.2 million. Nicely done. It will have a big life on DVD, cable, and in classrooms.