Two books this week from journalist pals who’ve hit the publishing circuit:
First–Mitchell Fink‘s stunning and stirring account about a heart transplant performed by TV’s Dr. Mehmet Oz. “Change of Heart: A Black Man A White Woman A Heart Transplant, and A True Love Story” should be made into a movie right now. It’s an amazing saga of a black man who received a white woman’s heart in a transplant. Fink, our old pal from the New York Daily News and other publications, expertly and poignantly recounts the issues involved. The man receiving the heart wasn’t so keen on the one he was getting. “Change of Heart” is gripping and revelatory, and not to be missed. Hollywood, this is tailor made for a great film. It’s easy to find at
…then last night, New York Observer writer George Gurley presented his new book, “George and Hilly: The Anatomy of a Relationship.” A ton of media types turned up at Doubles in the Sherry Netherland Hotel to celebrate this true account of George and permanent fiancee Hilly’s rocky road through couples therapy. It’s amusing and witty, of course. And still there’s no ring, although there was a rumor that George did propose to Hilly at the end of the party last night. Lots of fun. This is perfect February vacating reading!