A sucker is born every minute. Who said that? PT Barnum? Stephenie Meyer? “Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Pt.1” has taken in $72 million since midnight Thursday. That breaks some kind of record, for the most people willing to see something awful during a recession. Something like that. Well, congrats to Summit Entertainment. They’ve effectively turned film into product. The only good thing to be said for “Breaking Dawn” is that Bill Condon directed it. He’s gone from an Oscar for “Gods and Monsters” to “Chicago” to “Dreamgirls” to this and at least given Meyer’s oeuvre some respectability. Give the people what they want! In other news, Johnny Depp’s “Rum Diary” is dead and dying with $12 million, and Adam Sandler’s “Jack and Jill” is bottoming out with a total of $34 million by the end of tomorrow. Maybe they should have included vampires. Vampires! Where is George Hamilton when you need him? It’s time for “Love at First Bite, Breaking Wind, Pt. 1,” George.