Donald Trump is already at war with Barack Obama, Jerry Seinfeld, and Robert DeNiro. Now he’s taken on a whole group of people: stutterers. On Sunday’s “Fox and Friends,” Trump said he didn’t like Seth Meyers’ roast of him at the White House Correspondents dinner. He said: “I didn’t know that I’d be virtually the sole focus. I guess when you’re leading in the polls that sort of thing tends to happen. You raise to a certain level in the polls and boy does the world come after you. But I was certainly in a certain way having a good time listening. I don’t think the American people are having a good time with $5 gas … I was thinking to myself as they were doing this, ‘You know, the American people are really suffering and we’re all having fun at a gala.'”
He added: “I thought Seth Meyers — his delivery frankly was not good. He’s a stutterer.” (This is via New York Magazine’s transcription.) Hmmm…Here’s the video of Meyers. At 12:00 he spends about three of his 20 minutes on Trump.
There is no stuttering as far as I can tell: Trump used to have great timing. But attacking stuttering? Did he not see “The King’s Speech,” winner of Best Picture? This whole year has been about tolerance of stuttering. He’s just got to stop now. Trump’s lack of sense of humor and thin skin are going to be his undoing. And his own brand is now being harmed. Donald, it’s enough, come home.