This is great news: Dawn Hudson, who invented and ran the Indie Spirit Awards for 26 years, is taking over the Academy Awards. Hudson was voted in last night to replace outgoing longtime Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences head Bruce Davis. Hudson may be the breath of fresh for which the Academy has been pining. After this years’ low rated and poorly received Oscar broadcast, it was time for a change. If anyone can make the Oscars hipper, it will be Hudson and the people she brings in with her. Staying at his post is Ric Robertson, who will be the link between the old and new, and of course the great Leslie Unger, who runs the pr side of the Academy with a big bottle of Excedrin at her side! Hudson’s Spirit Awards have always been clever and lively, so let’s hope for the best–and maybe even an Oscar appearance by Spirit Award fave John Waters. Now that would be fun! PS Note to Dawn: please put the big TV back in the Kodak Theater bar, and turn on the sound.