Michael Jackson‘s ardent fans are in an uproar. They’ve put up an internet petition asking Thomas Mesereau, Jackson’s criminal attorney from 2005, to step in and help them.
The fans are speculating additionally that Jackson family leech, Brian Oxman, an attorney on probation who speaks 24/7 on the subject of Jackson, was the source for the release of private trust documents to a British tabloid last week.
Oxman is now reduced to giving interviews to obscure radio and TV shows. On this link, you can hear him complaining about the lack of released documents in the Jackson case. The interview aired a day before the trust papers suspiciously appeared in the British press..  http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/7314075
The papers specified the trusts set up by Michael in 2002 along with his already published will. Each of his children are to receive $33 million apiece. Some of his nephews will get bequests as well. But by and large the revealed papers showed nothing new, just that Michael Jackson cut most of his family out of his estate.
Dates to remember: June 14th, Dr. Conrad Murray comes to court in Los Angeles. June 25th: the anniversary of Jackson’s death.